Author: admin

Now Hear This

NOW HEAR THIS Jewish Christian Muslim and people all over the world. JERUSALEM – The Holy City ( of PEACE ) For 3 Abrahamic Religions (1. Judaism 2. Christianity and…

Now hear this

NOW HEAR THIS Africans in general Nigerians in particular and people all over the world – Jewish Christian Muslim. ” REPENT ( that is, Change your way of thinking )…

Now hear this

NOW HEAR THIS Africans in general Nigerians in particular and people all over the world. You can’t sow corn and harvest beans. You must always reap what you sow, good…

Now hear this; turn by turn

NOW HEAR THIS – Turn by Turn Nigeria Limited of Satanic Heartless Wicked Evil Cruel THIEVES in Nigeria. Almighty GOD ALLAH JEHOVAH ( The Careful Account Taker ) is taking…


NOW HEAR THIS Africans in general Nigerians in particular and people all over the world – Jewish Christian Muslim. ” Light cannot and must not fellowship with darkness. ” So…