Category: Editorial

Now Hear This

Now hear this – Now hear this – Every child is the mother’s child but the father’s ” MAY BE. ” See AlsoReligion and Music, History and Connection

New Hear This

Now hear this – Now hear this – Having MONEY in your bank account and at home will boost your immune system and ultimately normalize your blood pressure. It is…

Now Hear This

Now hear this – Now hear this – TRUTH STANDS ALONE IN THE CROWD OF LIES. — page XVIII in the best selling book Leadership by Mr Tony Oyatedor. Exodus…

Now Hear This

Now Hear This For Almighty GOD ALLAH JEHOVAH so love the world, Africa in general, Nigeria in particular, that HE gave them Sonny Okosun.     See AlsoReligion and Music,…

Now Hear This

Now hear this – Decades ago, illiterate grandfathers and grandmothers raised and trained their children to become Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Journalists, and Professors, with very few Synagogues, Churches and, Mosques…

Now Hear This

Now hear this – There is need for continuous education to end terrorism and hate crime world wide. See AlsoReligion and Music, History and Connection

Now Hear This

Now hear this –   The glad tidings ( the good news), The Gospel, The Gospel of Peace, The Word, upon which we use to quench all the flaming missiles…

Now Hear This

Now hear this – Money and resources that should be used for the good and benefit of mankind, is being used to buy weapons to kill and destroy mankind due…