Now Hear This
Now hear this – As a Born-Again ( a new person in thought, deeds and action), you must bring forth fruit that is consistent with Repentance ( change for the…
Now hear this – As a Born-Again ( a new person in thought, deeds and action), you must bring forth fruit that is consistent with Repentance ( change for the…
Now hear this – Big ideas , Big opposition, small ideas, small opposition. The Bigger the burden, the Bigger the Blessings. Every Prophet is sent to his nation first, before…
Now hear this – ” For this reason a man ( not woman) shall leave his father and his mother and shall be joined to his wife, and the two…
Now hear this – NO COMPULSION (not by force) IN GIVING. ” It is better to give than to receive. Give, not just according to your ability, but beyond your…
Now hear this – Education is a life-long process; no one should feel too old or too big to learn something. —- Newstime
Now hear this – The fundamental question is – ” are the people ( family and friends ) in your boat rowing with you or drilling holes in your boat?…
Now hear this – Nothing is ever as bad as it first appears. Pain passes. Adversity passes. Look beyond your present trials and hardships. After pain comes gain. The best…
Congratulations to all our Muslim brothers and sisters all over the world on the successful completion of this year’s Ramadan ( 2024 ). Congratulations to all our Muslim brothers and…
Now hear this – The fundamental question for Nigeria is – Which way Nigeria? Sink or swim? The fundamental question for Nigeria is – Which way Nigeria? Sink or swim?…
Now hear this – Decades ago, illiterate grandfathers and grandmothers raised and trained their children to become Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Journalists, and Professors, with very few Synagogues, Churches and Mosques…