In This Biography
Do Hollywood Actors No Longer Exist To Distract People?
When someone wants to relax, they could end up looking for a film to watch, and there are going to be a number of ways for them to do this. For one thing, one could go and watch something at the cinema.
This may then mean that they will have to wait a little while, and this could be because they will have to travel a little way away. But even if it was just the road, they might still have to wait for the next showing.
Another Option
What would be even easier is if they were to go online and find something to stream on their device. Through doing this, they won’t need to go anywhere and neither will they need to wait.
This is then going to make it easier for one to watch a film or a series whenever they feel like it. Even so, one may only prefer to watch something from time to time, and it is then not going to be something that will take over their whole life.
Other Priorities

Naturally, one is going to have things to do that are more important, and if they didn’t pay attention to these things, they would soon pay the price. There is going to be their career and what they will need for this to go in the right direction.
And, along with their need to eat right and to exercise, they might also have a family to look after. But if they haven’t got a family, there will be the time and effort that they will need to put into their relationships.
Current Affairs
When it comes to staying up to date with what is taking place around them and the world, it is going to be a good idea for them to spend a certain amount of time looking into what is taking place. Reading a paper or reading about what the mainstream media say online is going to be one way of doing this.
What would be even better would be if they were to not only look into what is going on here but also question what they come across. In addition to this, one could look into what is taking place in the alternative media.
Critical Thinking
It might seem like a waste of time to look towards this cruse of information when one can simply listen to the mainstream media. However, there are plenty of examples of when this source has lied and engaged in their own ‘fake news’.
Thus, by looking at both of these sources, it will be a lot easier for one to find out what is true and what isn’t. Also, it can allow one to see if the mainstream media is trying to push their own agenda.
A Balanced Life
When one experiences life in this way, they are generally not going to neglect one area of their life. The time they spend watching actors portray certain roles is not going to take them away from the real world for very long.
There is then going to be no reason for one to look up to these people and to see them as being inherently different. But if they were to avoid reality by watching films; it might only take place on odd occasions.
A Tough Time
During this time, they might be going through a challenging time in their life, and so watching films will help them to cope. And then after a little while, they will soon be back on their feet, so to speak.
If they were to put an actor on a pedestal, this could take place after they have watched a film. This might then pass and they could gradually begin to see that there is no reason for them to see the actor in this way.
A Distraction
Nevertheless, while there are going to be some people who don’t allow themselves to get too caught up in what Hollywood has to offer, there are going to be others who allow them to consume their life. Films are not just going to be another part of their life; they will end up defining their life.
One way of looking at this would be to say that this is why they exist in the first place; to stop people from paying attention to what is taking place in the world. When ancient Rome wanted to keep the people distracted, they laid on the bread and circuses.
The Same Story
Many years have passed since then, but actors and the films they are involved in serve the same purpose. When the populace is unaware of what is going on and allows their attention to be absorbed by entertainment, they are less likely to challenge the system.
This is then similar to how a parent can give their child sweets or food to keep them quiet. And through keeping people busy, it will be business as usual for the people behind the scenes.
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Not Enough
In the past, this would have been one of the main reasons why actors existed, but it could be said that this is no longer the case. Along with this, it is as if they now have to make sure that people support the right political party.
This could be a sign that people are no longer willing to be distracted like they were before, and so they need another way to keep them occupied. One thing that stands out is that the majority of Hollywood actors have the same political views.
A Closer Look
One way of looking at this would be to say that this is because their outlook is the right outlook. Based on this, any sane human being would also support the same party or candidate.
Another way of looking at it would be to say that not only are actors told what to say when it comes to making a film; but they are also told what to say when it comes to politics. And, if they are not willing to go along with what they are told, they could soon find themselves out of work.
So, while Hollywood actors can come across as though they live the perfect life, this can be nothing more than an illusion. In the same way that one can lose their job if they don’t behave in the right way, an actor can end up in the same position if they don’t tow the line.
What this shows is how important it is for one to think for themselves, and to realize that actors are simply human beings. After all, Hollywood is not exactly known to be an area that attracts people who are mentally and emotionally sound.