In This Biography
Heaven Is A Spiritual Ghetto And Hell Resembles An Earthly Palace
We all turn somewhere when we are in crisis, especially when we had it too easy for a long time and get it hard in life after taking the ease too much for granted. My point is: heaven is how appreciative we are of the good times whenever they happen, hell is how much we hate paying when the bad times after the misuse of the good times happens.
Deliverance is when we finally jump off the cycle of good and bad and just plain understand it all. Sure, I could mislead you with “do not worry be happy” like a wonderfully mystical ‘all-encompassing poker game-faced guru with a beautiful smile’ and lie to you that it will all be fine without effort or work, all you have to do is pray without paying in time, effort, planning, visualization, work and the like. Indeed, real heaven is earning, baby, earning for yourself, and hell is burning, baby, burning after getting conned by those who say there is not any effort, and all you have to do is belief without any work on it.
So, that brings me to a thought about the British Royal Family in their gilded ivory tower palaces and glass house luxury. Indeed, I think of heaven as a self-made, self-controlled ghetto of earning in life, and hell as a gilded palace without any genuine human satisfaction, just a show and tell to get you in there about “how great it will be” and then it never delivers what you want because you have to earn exactly what you want which would be heaven if you got it perfectly, but remember, hell promises without effort but never genuinely delivers, that is what makes it hell.
Indeed, though, to get what you really want, you must plan and plan well, earn and earn well, and get what you want. It is not a given or easy work. You do not want to move effortlessly down, you want to move on up genuinely, earning and learning your way out of the servitude. Indeed, also, the real devil is being ruled fearfully and not ruling courageously. God is in not drifting anyhow and has a genuinely positive consciousness realistically. Getting out of a crisis yourself is key, succumbing to the crisis is always a bad thing anyway. Sure I have a view of heaven and hell resembling the blind poet John Milton. Is that not where all reality starts and ends in the great universal mind, spirit, and body of the good? The good of life, existence, doing something, and genuinely living how you want and need to live without irrationally being under the thumb of public opinion, where you or anyone can genuinely and rationally do what they want?