In This Biography
Is Atheism a Religion??

An atheist denies the existence of God. As it is frequently said, atheists believe that it is false that God exists, or that God’s existence is a speculative hypothesis of an extremely low order of probability.
A central, common core of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is the affirmation of the reality of one, and only one, God. Adherents of these faiths believe that there is a God who created the universe out of nothing and who has absolute sovereignty over all his creation; this includes, of course, human beings who are not only utterly dependent on this creative power but also sinful and who, or so the faithful must believe, can only make adequate sense of their lives by accepting, without question, God’s ordinances for them. The varieties of atheism are numerous, but all atheists reject such a set of beliefs.
Atheism, however, casts a wider net and rejects all belief in “spiritual beings,” and to the extent that belief in spiritual beings is definitive of what it means for a system to be religious, atheism rejects religion.
So atheism is not only a rejection of the central conceptions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; it is, as well, a rejection of the other religious beliefs.
Finally, and most importantly, not all denials of God are denials of his existence. Believers sometimes deny God while not being at all in a state of doubt that God exists. They either willfully reject what they take to be his authority by not acting in accordance with what they take to be his will, or else they simply live their lives as if God did not exist.
Most atheists also express negative views when asked about the role of religion in society.
Atheists may not believe in religious teachings, but they are quite informed about religion
Difference between a believer and an atheist.
- Theists are likely to support morals such as reverence for authority, loyalty, and sanctity, which all fuel group cohesion (versus individuality).
- Atheists tend to decide whether or not something is moral by the consequences of a behavior, rather than the morality of the action that caused it (for instance, the common atheist bent that sex acts are fine as long as they’re consensual and no one gets hurt).
- Unbelievers exhibit significant diversity both within and between, different countries.
- In all six countries, majorities of unbelievers identify as having ‘no religion.
- Relatively few select ‘atheist’ or ‘agnostic’ as their preferred (non)religious or secular identity.
- Popular assumptions about ‘convinced, dogmatic atheists’ do not stand up to scrutiny.
- Unbelief in God doesn’t necessarily entail unbelief in other supernatural phenomena. The majority of unbelievers in all countries surveyed expressed belief in one or more supernatural phenomena.
- A common supposition—that of the purposeless unbeliever, lacking anything to ascribe ultimate meaning to the universe—does not bear scrutiny.
- Most unbelievers endorse objective moral values, human dignity and attendant rights, and the ‘deep value’ of nature, at similar rates to the general populations in their countries.
- Unbelievers and general populations show high agreement concerning the values most important for ‘finding meaning in the world and your own life. ‘Family’ and ‘freedom’ ranked highly for all.
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