In This Biography
Joe Biden Has 5-Word Prayer for America
President Joe Biden shared his five-word prayer for the United States of America during his speech at the National Prayer Breakfast Thursday morning.
During the speech, Biden delivered a message urging unity to a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers and faith leaders. He called on people across the country to not “look at each other as enemies, but as fellow Americans” during a time when political divisions continue to widen amid the 2024 presidential election.
Biden told legislators that he hoped Americans believe our “best days are ahead of us” and that each person is “precious” in God’s sight. He added that he wants America to not leave anyone behind and believes that “everyone deserves a fair shot.” He also spoke out about the rise in antisemitism in the United States, saying that America should give “hate no safe harbor.”
“That’s my prayer, to remember who we are. We’re the United States of America. There’s nothing, and I mean this sincerely, nothing beyond our capacity, if we act together,” Biden said.

He acknowledged that Americans at times have “really tough, tough” differences and “really go after each other,” but urged political rivals to practice “dignity and respect.”
“My hope is that we continue to believe our best days are ahead of us,” he said.
Throughout the event, Biden was seen sitting next to House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Louisiana Republican whose relationship with the White House has been tense since he assumed his leadership position in October amid legislative battles surrounding the U.S.-Mexico border and Republicans’ efforts to investigate the Biden family.
Biden identifies as Catholic and has regularly attended Mass as president. The president has spoken at each of the National Prayer Breakfast Foundation’s annual events since taking office in 2021, using the speeches to call for unity, a key cornerstone of his 2020 campaign.
He is only the second Catholic president after John F. Kennedy, and in 2021 met with Pope Francis at the Vatican.
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