Prophet Ebenezer Adarkwa Opambour Yadom Biography, Networth, Family, Ministry, Age, Wife, Family

Prophet Ebenezer Adarkwa Opambour Yadom

Prophet Ebenezer Adarkwa Yoadom also referred to asProphet One was born on the 20th of October in 1963. Prophet Ebenezer Adarkwa Opambour Yadom, the founder of the Ebenezer Miracle Worship Center in Kumasi, Ghana. Ebenezer Miracle Worship Centre is located in Ahenema Kokoben, a suburb of Kumasi located in Kumasi in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. It was established and is operated by Rev. Ebenezer Opambour Adarkwa Yiadom, popularly known as “Prophet One” or “Asante Moses.”

The church’s foundations at the beginning

The church was founded as a fellowship of prayer with Opambuor’s fellows during the 1990s in Osei Kyeretwie Secondary School (OKESS) is located in Tafo located in the neighborhood of Kumasi. The school was thriving and attracted many people. The reason for this was that participants in the prayer group felt spiritually fulfilled, and invited their friends to join them. So, both women and men old and young began taking part in the prayer sessions. As the number of attendees increased and the number of people attending, it was necessary to move the venue to a larger space. Opambour relocated the venue to Kofrom an area that is part of Kumasi.

It was at this time that he began adding Ebenezer in his title and was named Ebenezer Kwame Adarkwa Yoadom. He also gathered the nickname “electric” from members and the people in the area as whenever he touched someone, the person went through a type of shock, which caused them to fall. His spiritual abilities attracted people into the congregation. In the early years, Kofrom the membership grew so that he decided to convert the prayer group into an actual church and was able to name the church “Ebenezer Miracle Centre.”

From Kofrom the church was relocated to Patasi Estate which is located in Patasi Estate. Patasi is an area in Kumasi. The area is a residential region located in The Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly. It’s about 7 km east of the capital city of the region, close to Rev. Dr. Ebenezer Adarkwa-Yiadom’s rented house in Abrepo Junction, where the church was for a time before moving to a site known as “Friends Garden” in Patasi Estate.

He was forced to purchase an area at Ahenema Kokoben to build a church auditorium because of the growing members and complaints from his neighbors because his church’s activities disrupted their peace within the area of residence.

The first person to establish himself at Ohenema Kokobem where he put up the church auditorium as his residence, and the home for those who take part in his programs however come from distant places. The place was named by him “Island City.” The church, which has more than twenty thousand members, has branch offices within Accra, Cape-Coast, and Sunyani. There is a branch located in Germany and, according to another pastor, there will soon be a branch in Canada.

Biographical sketch of Ebenezer Opambour Adarkwa Yiadom

Ebenezer Opambour Adarkwa Yoadom was born in the late 1960s to an extremely poor family.

He was born in Juaso Pramso in the Ashanti Region. Kwame Adarkwa Yiadom was known in the past known, had the guardian of Alaba known as a Zongo Community located in Kumasi.

How Old is Ebenezer Opambour Adarkwa Yiadom

20th of October in 1963

Ebenezer Opambour Adarkwa Yiadom Education

Kwame received his schooling through St. Peters Educational Centre in Kwadaso and then he went on to Kwamasi Technical Institute (KTI). Kumasi Technical Institute (KTI) where he took the plumbing course. When he was in his first year in school Kwame enjoyed the admiration of many of his classmates due to his enchanting voice even though he was always dressed in worn-out school uniforms. The soaring voice of Kwame eventually led him to become a composer as well as a singer. He is currently engaged to Mame Mavis and they have five children.


He was in the Methodist Church and became closer to the church’s leaders and ministers.

Ebenezer Opambour Adarkwaya Yiadom’s Call into Ministry

Ebenezer Opambour Adarkwaya Yiadom came called into Ministry

Kwame was a member of his family’s Methodist Church. He was very involved in church activities despite

The area he lived in was filled with Muslims in Alabla, Zongo. When he was 13, he had a dream, in that dream, he was told by someone to pray for oil and use it. He was instructed to hold the oil up to the sky or heaven prior to praying for it.

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It was said that whatever that he recites and prays over will be holy and everything that he touches will receive blessings from God. So, anything that is blessed by him will be a blessing for users. He is gifted with prophecy.

He predicted and received revelations about the church members, and gave them advice on what they should do. He enjoyed joining pastors and church leaders to visit homes of the sick members, and, whenever he was permitted to pray for sick people and there was a sign of healing. Opambour had a slight miscommunication between the church’s elders. Methodist Church.

Opambour’s Radio Station

Opambour is the owner of Radio Mercury, a Kumasi-based private radio station, as well as Prophet One Television.

He also constructed an estate with 100 buildings that were named Island City at Opambourkrom.

Some of his thoughts on various issues.

In conflict with Methodist doctrine. The Methodist leaders could not accept them and this led to the church being in a dispute with him. Opambuor quit the Methodist Church and started the church of his choice.


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Vision and Mission

The purpose of the church is to proclaim the gospel to those who are suffering and help them find God as well as to liberate the captives (people with problems) free of the curses from the past or generation and to free demon-possessed individuals from the grip of Satan by the power of healing as well as the release (exorcism). The idea is that nobody is responsible for their own life. The spirits can create or ruin a person’s life, which is why there is a need for a supernatural power source to defeat these bad spirits.

The church’s leadership structure

The Prophet Ebenezer Opambour Adarkwa Yoadom is the general head of the church. He has associated pastors with whom he collaborates. The next leader is Rev. E. Y. Ankuma. The order of the pastors who are associates is judged by the length of time one has served in the ministry of the Prophet.

Opambuor is the one who trains pastors. Training includes watching his sermons, giving them opportunities to preach, and developing their spiritual abilities in healing and delivery. He also permits the pastors are invited to take part in the Bible School they would like.

The Tenets and the Church

Ebenezer Miracle Worship Centre does not adhere to any formal belief system. The church is a firm believer in everything that the Bible affirms everything the Bible teaches. It is a firm believer in:

(a) God is the creator of the Universe.

(b) Death ascension, resurrection, and death and the second appearance of Jesus Christ.

(c) The application of the oil for anointing.

(d) (d) The holiness Buramu Nsuo – The well-water – and everything else that is blessed by the Prophet Ebenezer Opambuor Adarkwa.

(e) Baptism through immersion as a symbol of repentance. However, the emphasis isn’t so heavily put on baptism, since the majority of participants at the center aren’t all Church members, however, to come up with solutions to the problems of members.

(f) Baptism by the Holy Spirit.

(g) It acquiesces to the beliefs of other religions. For example, images of Mary Mother Mary, also known as the mother of Jesus. of Jesus Jesus, himself can be seen in the church in the auditorium.

Church Programmes

Prophet 1 TV Show

Ebenezer Miracle Worship Center opens with a Divine Service on Sunday from 10 a.m. until 2.00 p.m.

There is an All-Night prayer session on Mondays, between 9.00 p.m. and 5.00 a.m.

On Tuesdays, from 6.00 a.m. until 2.00 p.m. There is a session of counseling.

Wednesday from 6.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. will be scheduled for a special magic service.

On Thursdays, there are no programs at the principal branch in Kumasi but Prophet Opambour visits other branches throughout the country. On Fridays, 6.00 a.m. from 2.00 p.m. It is utilized for delivery (exorcism) which Prophet Opambour refers to as the Abayisem.

There aren’t any church activities on the weekend.

The typical Sunday worship service

In a typical Sunday Service, the choir is led by the Prophet Opambuor Adarkwa along with the Associate Pastors as well as their wives through songs to the chapel, as is customary in Mainline churches. The service is then followed by an opening prayer, praises, and worship lasting about 45 minutes. After that, there is singing and ministrations by various singing groups of the church, mainly led by wives of pastors, lasting about 30 minutes. The offering ceremony is followed by an offeringtory. The members are urged to make offerings to God. The boxes are set at the vantage points of the front and members are urged to get up from their chairs and deposit their offerings in the boxes.

The congregation prays over the offeringtory. It takes around 15 minutes. After that, there is the period of dancing and singing to prepare for the sermon. The sermon is usually delivered by one or all of the associate Pastors chosen by Prophet Opambuor to perform the same. The sermon, which is usually built around a brief text lasts about 20 minutes.

A major aspect of the Sunday sermon is the healing and delivery. It is a part of the sermon that is performed through the prophet himself. The Prophet is elevated to the pulpit in front of loud claps, shouts, and cheers by the crowd and receives a standing ovation. the Prophet is introduced by titles like “Dr. Opambuor,” “the history maker,”” “the legend,”” “Asante Moses,”” “prophet one.”

At this moment unimaginable ecstasy fills the auditorium of the Church. He begins the ministration with songs, the majority of composed by him. He travels around the congregation, accompanied by a couple or three associate pastors. He makes random calls to people and then begins with “prophesy” into their lives according to the belief that he is influenced to do so by the Spirit of the Holy Spirit. In the context of prophecy, he divulges the past and reveals the future and present of those who are here. He also reveals the plots of the devil to people. He describes the forces that are hindering the development of people as witchcraft water spirits, ancestral spirits, and demonic forces. He discusses the root causes of illness and prays for the sick. Some of his prayers to Associate Pastors. He says he hears God’s voice. God warned him about the crimes that people commit which cause their suffering. While ministering, certain participants shouted, Odifuo nono meaning “that is the prophet,” Onyame wo tumi oo , with the reply being Ena Ka Nu Sii literally means, “God has power” and the reply is “And what do you say about that?” The ceremony continues with a special offering in exchange for anointing oil, which can range from Fifty Ghana Cedis to One Ghana Cedis (GHC 50.00 up to GHC 1.00).

At this point, the Prophet Opambour himself collects the money from the people, and puts it into the box, while the different pastors then distribute the oil of anointing. A donation that is Fifty Ghana Cedis attracts an intimate meeting with the prophet at his home. He also gives two small bottles of oil that he blessed. He provides instructions for the use of it. A Thirty and twenty Ghana Cedis offertory also attracts two bottles of oil blessed from the prophet, but there is no special interaction with him. He provides guidelines for how to use it to find solutions to your difficulties. A sum smaller that Ten Ghana Cedis attracts oil to put in a bag of polythene which can be used as per the individual’s preference. The service concludes with a blessing and prayer from the Prophet. The choir doesn’t take a break.

Biggest Church in Ahenema Kokoben

Opambour is on record as having the biggest church and the biggest congregation in Ahenema Kokoben of Atwima-Kwawomang District in the Ashanti Region, Ghana.

Ebenezer Opambour Adarkwa Yiadom’s Wife

Mrs Mavis Adarkwa Yiadom is the wife of popular prophet Ebenezer Adarkwa Yiadom a.k.a. Prophet One or Opambour.

Below is a picture of his children

Ebenezer Opambour Adarkwa Yiadom and The TV Porn Scandal

Founder and leader of the Ebenezer Miracle Worship Center in Kumasi, Prophet Ebenezer Adarkwa Yiadom, mostly known as Opambour has asked to explain the circumstances under which his free-to-air television station, ‘Opambour TV’ showed what has been described as a pure pornographic film during prime time.

The popular Christian leader stands the risk of being dragged to court or his television transmission equipment being seized if his explanations are found to be unacceptable.

Below is a copy of the letter served on the television station by the Film Classification Committee:

The General Manager
Prophet One TV


The Film Classification Committee (FCC) of the National Film Authority has sighted pornographic content being shown on Prophet One TV.

In this context, Ebenezer Adarkwa-Yiadom also known as Prophet Opambour played a TV host recounting a sexual incident between a fetish priest (male) and a woman purported to be his client. This content depicts patently lewd sensual scenes perceived by the FCC as inappropriate for free-to-air television.

The FCC has publicly announced that all audiovisual content must be classified before the exhibition. In furtherance of this, all broadcasting channels have been directed to classify in-house content according to the film classification criteria given.

The FCC is requesting the management of Prophet One TV to provide the National Film Authority with the classification documents for all its in-house content including the pornographic content shown, by the close of day on 10th September 2021.

Kindly note that anyone who fails to comply with the film classification rules shall be subject to the Offences and Penalties in Section 27 and Forfeiture of Equipment in Section 28 of the Development and Classification of Film Act 935.


Socrate Safo
Film Classification Committee

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