In This Biography
Reverend Tom Amenkhienan Biography, Age, Networth, Education, Spouse
Born August 15, Rev. Tom Amenkhienan is an exemplary leader, teacher, pastor and follower of Reverend Dr. Chris Oyakhilome. Reverend Tom is the Director of Church ministry at the Believers loveworld, popularly known as Christ’s Embassy.
Reverend Tom Amenkhienan joined the Believers’ Loveworld in 1983 and grew to become a member of the Central Executive Council of the Believers Loveworld. As a man who believes in Christians living dignified and excellent lives, Reverend Tom Amenkhienan has won many awards during the annual ICLC and IPPC of the Believers’ Loveworld.

Leaders Bio – Moses Bliss Biography, Age, Networth,
He grew up with this background and was indoctrinated in it until his first encounter with a Christian Group in Secondary School. It was a group from the Scripture Union who organized a fellowship in the school at the time. They preached the gospel to Reverend Tom and he attended a few of their fellowship meetings while trying to practice their teachings on holy living.
Reverend Tom recounts that he gave up on those teachings because of the shallow understanding of the doctrine of salvation which he had at the time. His elder brother who was born again and was in the University had a strong desire to pioneer a new Youth Fellowship in the school but Reverend Tom did not take him serious despite several efforts that he made to actualize it. This was because of his earlier experience.

From that time, Reverend Tom chose to remain a committed practicing Roman Catholic until many years later when he encountered another Christian youth group which was not associated with his Roman Catholic extraction. This was precisely during the 1983/1984 academic session in his early days at the university. He was invited by a course mate to a fellowship meeting on our University Campus. On the set date, I accompanied him to the meeting expressing obvious disinterest.
With my books in hand, ready to leave at the slightest opportunity,
Leaders Bio – Minister Theophilus Sunday Biography, Age, Networth,
I reluctantly attended the meeting ensuring to take a seat close to the exit to ease my departure once I got dissatisfied. As the meeting progressed, I found myself enthused by happenings in the arena which at the time was strange and foreign to me, but which I later was made to understand was the demonstration of the Spirit and power of God.
Ministering up the platform was a captivating young gentleman, our man of God, Pastor Chris, simply known at the time as Bro. Christian along with some other leaders of the fellowship. The manifestations of the gift of the Word of Knowledge were so abundant; different cases were mentioned relating to different people present in the meeting. There was such an abundance of signs wonders and miracles, that I became oblivious to the world around me.
At a point, as “Bro. Christian” ministered
to a particular young lady she suddenly found herself lifted off the ground and suspended in the air. One miracle in particular that shook me up completely was when a Word of Knowledge was given about my own roommate. As the word came forth, it addressed an inner ailment which he had kept secret for many years, confiding only in me.
He came out and was healed of the sickness. At this time, it became absolutely impossible for me to think of leaving the venue. I was feeling a discomfort and unrest which I couldn’t explain and then the call for salvation (altar call) was made. I fought back an urge to respond to the call, but my friend who had invited me came over to persuade me to do so.
I argued with him,

saying that I didn’t have to since no word was given concerning me specifically. I, however, gave in to his nudging and went forward to receive Christ into my heart. As soon as I was led to Christ, my eyes and heart were opened to an entirely new realm of life. I’m always excited to recall that I received the glorious Holy Spirit that same day.
When hands were laid on me to receive the Holy Ghost, it felt like a surge of electricity coursing through my entire being and immediately, I spoke in tongues profusely. When the meeting ended, I was transfixed for a while in the Glory of God’s presence that had experienced.
The Definition of Prophet, Rabbi, Pastor, and Imam by Mr. Tony
I just couldn’t leave the arena, so I immediately made myself available to the technical personnel, assisting to disconnect and pack up their equipment. Since that day, I’ve never looked back, but have remained in the centre of activities of that fellowship which gave birth to the global and ever-expanding ministry we have today.
So I always like to say that I received salvation in the days of supernatural firebrand evangelism and I haven’t had a single regret since then as I have been blessed by the mentorship and leadership of our beloved man of God from the first day till now. Every member of my family have all since been born again and serving the Lord fervently at various leadership levels in the ministry.
Some of them I led to Christ personally, but all of them have been deeply influenced by this glorious life I have in Christ. I’d like to use this opportunity to express my gratitude to my man of God, Rev. Chris Oyakhilome (PhD) as I always would. Pastor, you are my father, my friend, my mentor, my prophet and my hero. Following you all these years has made life worthwhile. I can only but imagine how uninspiring life may have been if I had gone in the direction I had thought out for myself.
But the supernatural intrusion of your person and message into the course of my life knocked me into a new orbit and has delivered me into a glorious experience of life; the Higher Life. I’d forever be grateful to you Sir for the place you have and continue to occupy in my life, after Christ, it is you, Pastor Chris. Thank you for bringing me the Gospel, leading me into salvation and leading me daily in the life of righteousness and devoted service to the Lord. I can never thank you enough Sir. I love you from the depth of my heart. Praise the Lord!