Now hear this – Satanic Heartless Wicked Bad Leadership in Nigeria.

Nigeria giant of Africa in the cage and chained by her own corrupt bourgeois and rogue politicians.The Leadership problems of Nigeria is endemic and pervasive that Nigeria composition has changed to the society of Masters and slaves. The haves and haves nots. The rich powerful and untouchable class or the abject poverty class, no middle class at all. The Leadership has failed the country for so long that not normals now becomes the new normals.
Has any one imagined what was the mood of the country and how happy Nigerians were on the eve of the Nigerian independence. Most peole foresaw their lives being fulfilled and would be changed for good, and be free from their colonial Masters, free from racism, oppressors, segregationist, and supremacy of their colonial Masters and colonial institutions. Their happiness that they would be able to rule and governed themselves, the joy, the happiness, the euphoria, the excitements were all dashed away and evaporated and short lived within less than few years of our Fathers hard fought gained independence from their Colonial masters.
The moment black man saddled and mounted the Leadership of the country everything changed rapidly. The coup after coups, black on black crimes, the civil war and genocides, greed, corruptions, nepotism, tribalism, religious segregationist and separatism. All kinds of unimaginable crimes exits and unchecked.
But our government could not initiate any project nor even maintained the existing projects. All that the government does is borrowing and sharing money and setting the country back in a deeper economic hole of no return.
The Lesigtlators and Judiciary are all part of of the business of corruption, collecting, sharing and dispensing money. As of the recent I checked, every members of the legislature or the National Assembly members has collected huge sum of money for bullet proof cars, excluding their various whopping huge salaries and millions in allowances, that we all know that is a huge part of the National Budget. We are also, hearing about another money sharing scandals, the constituency projects and padding and Cushioning of the National Budget. Its very unfortunate that none of the money gets to the ordinary people and citizens of their constituents. Most of the times no projects is even started and the money is being pocketed by the politicians. What a shame and terrible Leadership failures.
It’s unthinkable and horrible that the people and ordinary citizens are not getting the fruits of and the dividends of the democracy. What is left for the people and the country is huge monumental debts for our children, grand children, and unborn great grandchildren. There may not even be any ‘JAPA’ for the youngs and growing youths. Since a lot of the countries are tightening their borders and closing up on the migrations.
The country leadership has squandered the country’s wealth and subjected the country in a deep recession. The market and the economy are very unstable. The price of consumables goods, food, fuel, the gas ,the diesel, the medicines and heath care, Is no longer within the reach of the ordinary citizens or beyond the emergnation of average Nigerians.
What about the crimes and insecurity in the country. It’s beyond the emergnation of our Nationalist Fathers that the country they fought for with their last drop of their blood would turned out this way. What about the insecurity in the country, the rise and agitation in arm insurgency, and separatist movements, killings, the kidnappings, and arm robbery, as a matter of fact and recently in Anambra State the Bar Association members were on strike and demonstrating against goverment failure to protect her citizens and members of their Bar Association from kidnappers.
Nigerian politicians and the untouchable Leadership class has plunged the country in decades of failures. As a result Nigerians have been subjugated to untold hardship, deprivation and willfully enslavement of her citizens. Government must not be for very few rich individuals, but must be a government of Inclusivity by the people and for all people.The moment Nigeria Leadership problems is solved, then Nigeria will be better for all.