Funeral Arrangements in Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism
Funeral arrangements for Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism Funerals are a ritual that is associated with the final disposition of a body, for example, cremation or burial, and the…
Marriage in Hinduism as well as Islam and the Differences
Marriage in Hinduism as well as Islam and the Differences In Islam, weddings are legally binding between two persons. The groom and bride must agree to the union of their free…
Pastor and Priest
Pastor and Priest The term “priest” refers to a spiritual leader who is authorized to carry out the sacred rituals of a religion, particularly acting as a mediator between human…
Evangelism in Religion
Evangelism in Religion In Christianity, “evangelism” (or witnessing) is the practice in which a preacher proclaims the Gospel with the aim of spreading the teachings and message that Jesus Christ…
Religion Ecstasy
Religion Ecstasy Religious ecstasy can be described as a kind that is characterized by an altered state of mind that is characterized by a significant reduction in awareness of the…
Jihad Jihad, both in the ethical and religious realm is primarily a reference to the struggle of humankind to uphold the right way of life and stop what is wrong.…
Eschatology in Theology
Eschatology in Theology Eschatology is the area of theology that deals with death, judgment, and the ultimate destiny of the soul as well as humanity. Eschatology The doctrine of the…
The Function of The Rabbi in Judaism
The Function of The Rabbi in Judaism Rabbi refers to “my master” and “my teacher” in the Hebrew language. In the beginning, this term was used to refer to honorary teachers…
Religion Fanaticism And its Effects
Religion Fanaticism And its Effects Religious fanaticism is a derogatory term used to describe a lack of critical passion or obsession that is connected to one’s or a group’s religious…
Civil Islamic Practices
Civil Islamic Practices “Islamic law” refers to the various legal systems that were and continue to be created with the intention of conforming to Islamic law. Islamic faith. Sharia is…