In This Biography
Simple Ways To Grow Your Spirituality
With regards to resolutions, particularly failed resolutions, most people get caught up in past mistakes and failures so much that they spiritually paralyze themselves. You have to keep in mind that you are human and you can always make mistakes.
Remember that it is not your mistake that defines you, and those mistakes do not have to define your future, but they can always help you focus on your future. To improve your spirituality does not mean being pious; just a few changes in your life can bring significant effects to your life that can help you towards your goal of empowering your spirituality.
The following can help you have an in-depth understanding of how you can enhance your spirituality:
The Basics
As you ponder every new year, and you think about the changes that you would like to see in your life, it might be best if you get your priorities straight. Consider your priorities this year.
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You might want to quit smoking, exercise more, or lose weight. You might want to eliminate your unhealthy relationships or start developing stronger relationships with your partner, friends, or family. Whatever you want, remember that your greatest priority should always be to develop stronger relationships with God.
One of the most important things that you need to remember is to forgive yourself for your past. Loving yourself actually means having the ability to forgive yourself for the past mistakes that you have committed, and then, by placing your priority on loving yourself and God, you can start relying on Him for your guidance.
When you start placing your priorities on getting closer to Him, and once you seek first God’s kingdom, He will always guide you. Perhaps, it is only the best “resolution” that you should make – to strengthen your relationship with God and seek His kingdom.
This is the best time for you to make a special commitment to spend time thinking about Him and always consider God in every choice that you make and every action that you do. Spend time with God in prayer as well as meditation each day.
Spend some time reading the scriptures and allowing His Words to guide you, and through God’s guidance, set realistic goals. Moreover, you need to bear in mind that starting a spiritual resolution is not all about reading the scriptures; it is also about considering Him in every decision and choice that you make.
Use your better judgment and your wisdom in choosing. When faced with a decision to do good or otherwise, always think about how your relationship with God will be affected by every decision that you make.
When you commit mistakes, never allow yourself to get bogged down, especially when you stumble. Always maintain the right attitude. Rather than thinking that you are the worst batter, just think of yourself as you’re the best pitcher. You also do not have to do things alone. This is the reason behind your community of faith. You will always have a source of strength to support each other.
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Be Good To Yourself
“Be gentle first with yourself if you wish to be gentle with others.” – Lama Yeshe
Sometimes, people are very cruel and unforgiving to themselves. Imagine you made a huge mistake on a particular project at work, creating another burden for your co-workers and yourself, or you might accidentally say dumb on a first date or at an important meeting. How would you really react?
You have to keep in mind that being good to yourself does not need to include a calendar full of spa treatments for yourself. It just means treating yourself the way you treat a good friend.
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