In This Biography
Why is the Japanese Yen, the American dollar, and the British Pound strong but the Nigerian Naira is weak
NOW HEAR THIS. Why is the Japanese Yen, the American dollar, and the British Pound strong but the Nigerian Naira is weak? – The USA, Britain and Japan ECONOMIC power, not weapons.

Why is Japanese Yen strong, the American Dollar strong but Russian Rubble is weak and the Nigerian Naira is weak? The reason is because of Japanese and American economic power. If Nigerians want the Naira to be strong, the leadership should plough all the billions of Naira of political transition into job creation, all the millions of Naira that are stolen through massive corruption should be used for job creation not building huge mansion and buying luxury cars and parking them in the garage. Every millionaire should use their millions to create jobs for Nigerians and turn the armed robbers into workers. Instead of retiring Southerners left, right and center, jobs should be created for every Nigerian. When people work, they can feed themselves and their family, the economy also improves, the Naira becomes strong and the nation will beam with pride. A nation that is always laying off workers and not preparing them for another job opportunity is a nation that will ultimately breed armed robbers and hired assassins. A nation that do not pay her police officers and teachers regularly is a nation with irresponsible leadership. While a well-paid teacher will teach the Nigerian children (that are the leaders of tomorrow) moral values and good education, a well-paid police officer will protect every citizen against crime.
Too often, Nigerian leaders hold to their peanut ideas for fear that they may lose them, when all the while, it is these very peanut ideas that holds the country and the people captive and prevent the freedom and prosperity the country and the people long for.
From the best selling book Leadership by Mr Tony Oyatedor, page 183.

@newstimeworldwide Stop the Blame Game and roll up your sleeves and WORK.
@newstimeworldwide Invest in the Youths and People so that you can sleep with your 2 eyes close.
@newstimeworldwide NOW HEAR THIS Leadership in Africa in general Nigeria in particular must invest in SOLAR Energy.